Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Much Ado About Headlines
- CTA Hell is really not hell at all. But it sold a lot of papers! Oh, wait - the "Red Eye" is free. It generated a lot of litter! Awesome. Way to go! It's like when there's a week of anticipation for a "Storm of the Century" and it snows .5 inches. It's going to get worse, but in a month or two, not today.
- We (finally) watched "The Departed" over the weekend. While I enjoyed watching it, I don't really like Jack Nicholson. There, I said it. Uncool = me, but I don't like him.
- I watch America's Next Top Model now. Why? Because of this.
- It's been two cycles, but I'm just finally admitting it. Tyra Mail!
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