Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Personal Trainer?

Jesus. That's right! Lent has begun.

Everyone always talks about "What are you giving up for Lent?" And then they silently judge your answer. Many people that I have interacted with will ask specifically so they can tell you what they are giving up. It's funny, the things that we learn as kids to explain a bigger idea? That's what we hang onto forever. I got around this sacrifice-off years ago by always answering that I give up time for Lent. And the part that really gets peoples' goats? I actually do. Last year I gave more time to... my parish! Wow, that is so lame! This year I am (much more selfishly) giving up my half hour in bed.

My half hour is when Scratch gets out of bed to get in the shower, and I lay there and keep sleeping. Usually I will flop right into his spot until he steps out of the bathroom a half hour later and I go in. This is a huge luxury that I am giving up! For Lent! And what will I do with the extra 30? My very very lofty goal is to do the Denise Austin Daily Workout on Lifetime. So far, so good. With Denise coaching me from the TV and Ultimate Jesus Guilt Motivation, maybe I will keep up with it.

Now it's all documented. I can't go back! No more rolling over. Scratch, I'm counting on you to help me out with this.

Oh yeah, and did I mention we are moving in a few weeks? And work sucks? And all kinds of other stuff? Yeah. Jesus is going to be hearing from me a lot this month, so I really want to keep up my end of the bargain here.

PS I am also giving up the drink for Lent, so if I don't have enough time to explain my half hour I can just say "drinking."

You sound just like me. Julie gets up first, I take the double pillow approach close to the alarm clock and wait til I see her come out to start the blowdry. But I'm not giving that up. That's all I got!!!!
I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this luxury!
You complete aloof like me. Julie gets up first, I booty the bifold pillow access abutting to the anxiety alarm and delay til I see her appear out to alpha the blowdry.
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