Monday, October 17, 2005

What are you thinking, Skiles?

I'm guessing you're always thinking one of the following thoughts:

At least that is what your sour puss is telling me, Skiles! Come on, what is your problem already? And why can't I find more photographic evidence of your 'clasping my head in shame' pose? This photo from The Unknown Column will have to suffice. Sweetney's got potential, Deng is on the mend, and the season hasn't even started yet. Talk to your doctor, ask him or her to prescribe something for those headaches you seem to be suffering, and lighten the heck up! Scratch is watching the game, but I am watching YOU, Skiles. So turn that frown upside-down, or I'll give you something to grimace about!

I guessing it isn't too long until The Sports Guy begins referring to a combined look of annoyance and disbelief as "The Skiles Face."
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