Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Nobody Believes that Two Buck Chuck Makes Millionaires Richer!
I had to go and quote Forbes Magazine to prove to a commenter on Chicagoist that Trader Joe's is fueling the Albrecht empire. I like the way the person correcting me started off with the word "actually" because that's really not cool. So it was even more satisfying to prove that "actually" I was correct in saying that Trader Joe's is German-owned. Flame on!
If I'm going to give my money to some German brothers, I'll do it locally at Delicatessen Meyer on Lincoln Avenue, where Hans & Uto are more than happy to assist us!
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If I'm going to give my money to some German brothers, I'll do it locally at Delicatessen Meyer on Lincoln Avenue, where Hans & Uto are more than happy to assist us!
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