Friday, June 09, 2006
Knitting with the Blues Fest tomorrow!
So, while not one of the organizers (I've never met them), my pal Tressa and I are going to hoof it down to Millenium Park to engage in PUBLIC KNITTING. Shocking, I know. It's right up there with flagrant public mastication and indecent stick mastery or something.
Franklin designed the flyer, and at his cafe press store you can find one for your city. I especially like his knitting Venus de Milo design.
I already knit in public pretty frequently - if I get a single seat on the train in the morning I will work on a toy for Mr. Whiskers. It takes up a lot less space than the red eye, believe you me. I've just never done it as a group. My anti-social tendencies are kicking in. Who are these people? I am not a club knitter! Will they be nice to me? Will they say I'm doing it wrong? Too much anxiety.
If you want to see the spectacle, come to the Boeing gallery (east of the faces fountain) or if it rains the Randolph Cafe. Noon-Four.
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if anyone is mean to you or in the least bit unpleasant, the betties are going to hop a plane, track down the snooty knitters, and beat them senseless with large skeins of the cheapest acrylic we can find!
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