Thursday, November 02, 2006


I haven't been feeling well for the past few days. In fact, I took my very first sick day at my new job yesterday. They have a very strict policy that no sick days are allowed the first six months. Now that I am 7+, It's OK for me to be sick. Now that I take the CTA to work, I think that is who I'm really trying to avoid. I might be able to handle holing up in a cubicle all day, but the idea of sitting on the train for two hours while sick and miserable is just awful to me. Because I see sick miserable people on the train every day, and I don't want to be one of them.

Speaking of the CTA, I just went to the Trib online and it had a headline "Two Brown Line Stations to Close" - I thought maybe my browser hadn't refreshed for a while. Too bad, because Montrose people and Addison people seem way cooler than Southport people and Sedgewick people. Feel my Kimball pain, folks. And enjoy.

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