Thursday, July 20, 2006
Voices that Care
I don't know how to put YouTube in the blog, but go to Justin's site for the full "Voices that Care" video, it was from Gulf War I and features a jammin' Kenny G solo.
Scratch's grandparents are visiting from Pittsburgh this weekend! So I have to do a lot of cleaning. Especially since Mr. Whiskers can't seem to have a normal turd come out of his adorable puckered ass. Ew. But he's parasite free! So that's something right?
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Scratch's grandparents are visiting from Pittsburgh this weekend! So I have to do a lot of cleaning. Especially since Mr. Whiskers can't seem to have a normal turd come out of his adorable puckered ass. Ew. But he's parasite free! So that's something right?
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