Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sentimental Hogwash

So, apparently I am not the only person who, around the holidays, feels an overwhelming urge to track down people they knew in high school. I'm just the only person who has more fun Googling and never actually sends out emails or calls the number listed.

Last week, I stayed up until probably 1AM Googling random people I went to grammar school, junior high, and high school with. I had some fun reading online diaries and what not, but didn't send any emails. On Christmas Day, I got an email from classmates.com, you know, that annoying website? Saying I had a message from a guy I went to HS with. It was a friend of his, using his account, that I was very good friends with in HS and who I haven't seen in about 10 years. How cool is that? So we are emailing each other everything that has happened to us in the last 10 years. Apparently, not one, but two people we went to HS with recently died. Scary stuff.

So, Doug, if you are looking at this blog, Hi! This is my boring 32 year old life. It's no 400 on a Saturday at midnight, but I'm OK with that.

that is so weird! i just googled an old punk rock chum from high school journalism camp and fired off an email. i'm glad i'm not the only one maudlinly googling. just avoid the stomach churning googling of boyfriends gone bad. . .
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